Create deterministic metadata with Turbo
To utilize the metadata randomization feature in the MPL-Hybrid program, the off-chain metadata URIs need to follow a consistent, incremental structure. To achieve this, we will use the path manifest feature from Arweave and the Turbo SDK. This guide will demonstrate how to set this up!
What is Turbo
Turbo is a ultrahigh-throughput Permaweb service that streamlines the funding, indexing, and transmission of data to and from Arweave. It provides graphical and programmatic interfaces for payment options in fiat currency with credit or debit cards as well as cryptocurrencies such as ETH, SOL, and AR.
Required Packages
Install the required packages for this guide.
npm i @ardrive/turbo-sdk
Metadata Folder
In this example, we will show you how to upload metadata in a deterministic way. To do so, you'll need to prepare all the assets before starting.
To generate the metadata, you can use one of these methods and save the metadata follow an incremental naming convention starting from 0 like this:
├─ 0.json
├─ 1.json
├─ 2.json
├─ ...
Note: When creating the metadata, make sure to follow the proper JSON schema for NFTs!
Setting up Turbo
Since Turbo is compatible with multiple tokens and chains, we'll need to configure our Turbo instance to use Solana as the token for this guide. We do this by calling the TurboFactory.authenticated()
method and passing in Solana-specific configuration options.
import { TurboFactory } from '@ardrive/turbo-sdk';
// Import here the keypair.json file that you're going
// to use to pay for the upload
import secretKey from "/path/to/your/kepypair.json";
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({
privateKey: bs58.encode(Uint8Array.from(secretKey)),
token: 'solana',
gatewayUrl: `<YOUR_API_KEY>`,
paymentServiceConfig: { url: "" },
uploadServiceConfig: { url: "" },
Note: In this example, we explicitly provide the gatewayUrl
, paymentServiceConfig
, and uploadServiceConfig
because we want to configure the environment to work on devnet. For mainnet usage, you can leave these fields empty, and Turbo will default to the mainnet endpoints. To gain access to the Metaplex Aura network on the Solana and Eclipse blockchains you can visit the Aura App for an endpoint and API key here.
Upload the Metadata
Turbo simplifies the process of uploading entire folders of metadata using the TurboAuthenticatedClient.uploadFolder()
function. This function supports Manifests by default, returning a Manifest ID via result.manifestResponse?.id
, which can be used for metadata creation and escrow setup.
To simplify the process, this guide provides helper function called uploadAssetsAndMetadata()
that handles the entire workflow.
const metadataUploadResponse = await uploadMetadata(turbo);
Steps of the uploadAssetsAndMetadata()
Determines how many lamports are needed for the upload by calling
, which calculates the upload cost in Winc (Turbo’s token) and converts it to lamports usingTurboAuthenticatedClient.getWincForToken()
.If the wallet lacks sufficient Winc, the function uses
to top up the required amount by converting lamports to Winc.Once the wallet has enough Winc, upload the metadata folder using
, which returns a Manifest ID for the metadata.
Calculating Required Lamports
const requiredLamportsForMetadata = await calculateRequiredLamportsForUpload(
We begin by calculating the total size of the folder in bytes. The following function recursively traverses the folder structure to sum the sizes of all files:
function calculateFolderSize(folderPath: string): number {
return fs.readdirSync(folderPath).reduce((totalSize, item) => {
const fullPath = path.join(folderPath, item);
const stats = fs.statSync(fullPath);
return stats.isFile()
? totalSize + stats.size
: totalSize + calculateFolderSize(fullPath);
}, 0);
Once the folder size is determined, the next step is to calculate how many lamports are needed for the upload. This is done using the calculateRequiredLamportsForUpload()
function, which determines the Winc cost and converts it into lamports:
async function calculateRequiredLamportsForUpload(turbo: TurboAuthenticatedClient, fileSize: number): Promise<number> {
/// If the file size is less than 105 KiB, then we don't need to pay for it
if (fileSize < 107_520) { return 0; }
/// Check how many winc does it cost to upload the file
const uploadPrice = new BigNumber((await turbo.getUploadCosts({ bytes: [fileSize]}))[0].winc);
/// Check the current Winc balance
const currentBalance = new BigNumber((await turbo.getBalance()).winc);
/// Calculate how much Winc is required to upload the file
const requiredWinc = uploadPrice.isGreaterThan(currentBalance)
? uploadPrice.minus(currentBalance)
: new BigNumber(0); // If balance is enough, no Winc is required
/// If the required Winc is 0, we already have enough to upload the file
if (requiredWinc.isEqualTo(0)) { return 0; }
/// Calculate how much Winc 1 SOL is worth (1 SOL = 1_000_000_000 Lamports)
const wincForOneSol = new BigNumber((await turbo.getWincForToken({ tokenAmount: 1_000_000_000 })).winc);
/// Calculate how much SOL is required to upload the file (return in SOL)
const requiredSol = requiredWinc.dividedBy(wincForOneSol).toNumber();
/// Return the amount of SOL required in Lamports
return Math.floor(requiredSol * 1_000_000_000)
Top Up the Wallet and Upload Metadata
To top up the wallet, we use the TurboAuthenticatedClient.topUpWithTokens()
method, specifying the amount of lamports calculated in the previous step. This amount is converted into Winc (Turbo’s token), which is required for the upload process.
Note: The top-up process is conditional. If we already have enough Winc in the wallet, the calculateRequiredLamportsForUpload()
function will return 0, and no top-up will be necessary.
// Top up wallet if required
await turbo.topUpWithTokens({tokenAmount: lamportToTokenAmount(requiredLamportsForMetadata)});
After ensuring the wallet has enough Winc, we can proceed with uploading the image folder. This is done using the TurboAuthenticatedClient.uploadFolder()
method. The upload will return a manifest ID that allows access to the uploaded files, formatted like this:${manifestID}/${nameOfTheFile.extension}.
Note: It’s important to set the correct MIME type for each file during the upload. If the MIME type is not set correctly, the file might not be displayed properly when accessed via the URI.
// Upload image folder
const metadataUploadResponse = await turbo.uploadFolder({
folderPath: metadataFolderPath,
dataItemOpts: { tags: [{ name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/json' }] },
Full code Example
Here's the full code example that you can copy and paste for easy use